SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic,and political developments in Georgia since 1970.
a. Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment.
County Unit System
-The county unit system was established in 1917 when the Georgia legislature, overwhelmingly dominated by the Democratic Party, passed the Neill Primary Act.
-This allowed rural counties to control Georgia elections by minimizing the impact of the growing urban centers, particularly Atlanta
-Each county was given a certain number of votes and the candidate who received the highest number of votes in that county won all their 'unit votes',
-in March 1962 the Supreme Court ruled that all citizens' votes should have equal weight and that the county unit system violated the principle of "one man, one vote."
-This system had been designed to keep black candidates from gaining a spot on the election ballot
-In 1964 the Federal Courts ruled that Ga must reapportion (Draw New Lines) its voting districts to ensure districts of EQUAL population sizes. (Ex. Black / White or City / Rural)
-The End of the County Unit system and in the implementation of Reapportionment meant more equal representation for the voters of Ga.
-No longer could one group hold the advantage over another group and control the politics of Ga
-It changed campaign styles and election methods.
-Reapportionment now takes place every ten years to reflect shifts in population demographics
b. Describe the role of Jimmy Carter in Georgia as state senator, governor, president, and past president.
Jimmy Carter
-Small time farmer from Plains, Ga.
-Graduated from the Naval Academy
-Became Gov of Ga in 1970
-Became President in 1976
-He created the Dept of Education
-Appointed many Blacks, Hispanics and Women to high level positions
-Best remembered for Camp David Arab Israeli Peace Talks
-Established trade with China
-Established the Carter Center which focuses on Civil rights around the world and enhance freedom and democracy
-Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
c. Analyze the impact of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia.
Two Party System
Democrats mostly
-believe in The good of the group
-believe in Easy money policies
-Are identified with the Old South and people in Rural areas
Republicans mostly
-Believe in the strength of the individual
-Believe in hard money policies
-Are identified with the New South and people in business and urban areas
d. Evaluate the effect of the 1996 Olympic Games on Georgia.
1996 Olympics
-Brought world wide attention to Ga
-Visitors from all over the globe
-Business interests sparked
-Bombing received attention
-Made Atlanta truly an International City
e. Evaluate the importance of new immigrant communities to the growth and economy of Georgia
Immigrant Communities
-One of the fastest growing sectors of the population of GA
-Korean, Chinese, Asian Cultures Flooding Atlanta
-Growing Hispanic population
-New Foods business ideas
-New strains on the community such as education and public services such as roads, water/sewer systems