SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor
Governor and Lt. Governor
• Both are elected by popular vote every four years
• Qualification for both offices are the Same
– Minimum age of 30
– Resident of the U.S. for at least 15 years
– Resident of the State for at least 6 years
• Term Limits
– Both elected to four terms
– Gov can only serve 2 terms consecutively before sitting out for 4 years, then he may be re-elected
– The Lt Gov may be elected to office as many times as he runs with no break in term
• The Lt. Gov takes over the office of Gov in case the Gov cannot perform his duty
Governor and Lt. Governor Duties
• The Governor is the highest ranking official in the Executive Branch. His Duties include:
– Appointment of people to state positions and ensure civil and criminal laws are enforced
– Sign or veto bills
– Call special sessions of the legislature
– Pardon people for crimes
– Appoint judges
• Lt Governor
– Preside over the Senate
– Assign Bills to Committee
– Rule in place of Gov if something happens
Executive Branch Organization
• The Executive branch is presided over by the Governor with the Lt Gov 2nd in command
• Other offices such as the State Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Labor, Commissioner of Insurance, Public Service Commissioner, Secretary of State, and State School Superintendent also make up the Executive BranchThese offices all have specific duties involving areas of policy within the State. Each comes directly under the supervision and authority of the Governors office but works independently. The Governor needs key people he can trust in place to handle the day to day running of these individual offices so he can concentrate on other duties