Friday, March 6, 2009

3rd 9 Weeks Study guide

SS8H10 The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgiafrom 1945 to 1970.

Analyze the impact of the transformation of agriculture on Georgia’s growth.

In the early 1900s, Ga’s cotton crop was destroyed by
a. Floods b. Fires c. Boll Weevil

As a result of the loss of the cotton crop, Ga turned to new crops such as
aPumpkins b. Peanuts c. Apples

With the problems experienced in the agricultural field, Ga began to see the need for diversify by expanding new agricultural products and methods along with new industrial jobs.
b. to diversify by expanding new agricultural products and methods but not industry.
c. plant more cotton on newly developed land to make up for the earlier losses.

Explain how the development of Atlanta, including the roles of mayors William B. Hartsfield and Ivan Allen, Jr., and major league sports, contributed to the growth of Georgia.

The symbol for Atlanta is a mythical phoenix rising from the ashes of a fire which represents
a. The new industrial growth of Atlanta being burned down.
b. The new agricultural movement that became Atlanta’s rise from the ashes.
c. The new and improved Atlanta that successfully rose again after being burned by Sherman

William B. Hartsfield is best remembered for
a. Being mayor
b. his work in the civil rights movement
c. his contributions to business growth through connections with the airport.

With the invention of the “SuperStation”, Ted Turner
Changed the image of Ga as backwards to one of progressive innovation
Proved to the world that the Atlanta Braves had the BEST baseball team
Reinforced the image of Ga as a backwards-agricultural state.

Atlanta became a “gateway” to the south with its ability to draw people and businesses in through its
High tax rates b. transportation routes. c. CNN networks

Through the help of its governors and other civil rights leaders, Atlanta was seen as
A city of hate and civil rights discrimination
b. A backwards agricultural center
c. A model city for peaceful civil rights change

Discuss the impact of Ellis Arnall.

Under the leadership of Ellis Arnall, Ga abolished the______________ which discriminated against African Americans.
Poll Tax b. Bus Boycott Laws c. Jim Crow Laws

Ellis Arnall is best remembered for saying “ Boys old enough to go to war should also be old enough to___________.”
Drive b. Vote c. Drink alcohol.

SS8H11 The student will evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rightsmovement.

Describe major developments in civil rights and Georgia’s role during the1940s and 1950s; include the roles of Herman Talmadge, Benjamin Mays, the 1946 governor’s race and the end of the white primary, Brown v. Board ofEducation, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the 1956 state flag.

In the 1940s and 50s, Ga experienced a “baby boom” due to
Television advertising
Better healthcare for mothers
The return of servicemen after WWII

At the end of World War 2,for the first time in history, many women chose
To remain on the farm and let men take back over in the workplace.
To have more children than ever before.
To remain on the job rather than return back home.

The G.I Bill
made getting home loans easy but place high interest rates on the loan for huge profits.
made getting home loans easier and the housing market grew rapidly.
Made getting home loans harder due the shortage of money after the war.

More returning servicemen chose to
Go to college for the first time than ever before.
Return to the farm and continue the family business.
Stay overseas and have families there.

Gov. Herman Talmadge changed the structure of Ga Schools by
Re-writing the Constitution by expanding the schools from grades 1-12
Raising the age required for children to enter school
Starting preschool program to help kids learn earlier.

The 1946 elections is also referred to as Ga’s
2 Governor Period b. 3 Governor Period c. 4 Governor Period

The election of 1946 governor of Ga was an example of
Strong segregationist ideas. B. Jim Crow laws in action. C. Reapportionment policies.

Dr Benjamin Mays was NOT
Member of the Atlanta school board b. president of a college c. mayor of Atlanta.

The court case, Brown v. Board of Education,
Started the “separate but Equal” ruling of the Supreme Court.
Declared the “Separate but Equal” ruling unconstitutional.
Said that the “Separate but Equal” ruling had to be applied to ALL states NOT just in the south.

The Sibley Commission was formed to get public opinion about
Racism b. Civil Rights Movement c. School integration.

Another “Hot” issue that demonstrated strong segregationist feeling was the 1956
Flag b. Bus boycott c. Lunch counter sit-ins

Martin Luther King Jr. based his civil rights beliefs upon similar beliefs of
Jesse Jackson and Maynard Jackson
Henry David Thoreau and Mahatma Gandhi
Benjamin Mays and Malcolm X

Which of the following was NOT a civil rights act supported by Martin Luther King Jr.?
Lunch counter sit-ins
Economic Boycott
Direct and Violent Action

Analyze the role Georgia and prominent Georgians played in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s; include such events as the founding of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Sibley Commission, admission of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to the University of Georgia, Albany Movement, March on Washington, Civil Rights Act, the election of Maynard Jackson as mayor of Atlanta, and the role of Lester Maddox

24. The Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was organized to protest civil rights injustice
a. By organizing bus boycotts b. By organizing strikes c. By organizing sit-ins

25. Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes were
a. The first African Americans to enter an Atlanta high school
b. The first African Americans to enter an ALL WHITE factory as managers
c. The first African Americans to enter the University of GA

26. The movement that started as a protest against segregated interstate bus traffic at the local bus station and spread throughout the South was
a. Alabama movement b. Albany Movement c. Montgomery Bus Boycott

27. In the Late 1960s Atlanta was considered
a. A model for the rest of the world to follow in desegregation
b. A place of Civil Rights unrest with violent protests on a monthly basis
c. A place of extreme racism, especially in its leadership.

28. Who was the youngest and first African American mayor of Atlanta?
a. Benjamin Mays b. Maynard Jackson c. Andrew Young

Discuss the impact of Andrew Young on Georgia

Andrew Young brought world wide attention to Ga by doing all of the following except
Helped bring the Olympics to Ga b. being an Ambassador from Ga c. Becoming Governor

SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970.

Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment.

The County Unit System Was designed to do all of the following EXCEPT
Keep the most political power in the hands of smaller rural white counties.
Allow more blacks to vote by abolishing the Poll Taxes.
Keep blacks from gaining political power and holding major offices.

The drawing of new district lines for representational purposes every 10 years is known as
Redistricting b. Reapportionment c. Census correction

The first and only President of the United States from GA is
Jimmy Carter b. Bubba carter c. Bill Clinton

All of the following happened in the Carter administration EXCEPT
Great economic success demonstrated by low fuel/gas prices and inflation rates
Middle –East Peace talks at Camp David
SALT Talks

SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution

Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution

Ga’s Constitution can be broken into
11 Amendments b. 11 Articles c. 11 Paragraphs

Ga’s Constitution is
Vastly different from the U.S. Constitution in its set up of the 3 branches of Government.
Much the same as the U.S. Constitution in its set up of the 3 branches of Government.
Exactly the same as the U.S. Constitution word for word.

Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances

The system of “check and balances” in our government refers to
The ability of one branch of government to completely control the other 2 branches
The ability of the government to balance the budget and write checks to cover expenses
The ability of the government to share power between all 3 branches

The reason we have a system of checks and balances is to
Keep 1 branch from becoming too powerful
Keep control of the government in the hands of the people through voting
Keep a Democratic style government

The job of the Legislative branch is to
Rule on the constitutionality of laws
Make laws
Carry out the laws

The job of the Executive branch is to
Rule on the constitutionality of laws
Make laws
Carry out the laws

The job of the Judicial branch is to
Rule on the constitutionality of laws
Make laws
Carry out the laws

Explain voting requirements and elections in Georgia

To be eligible to vote in Ga, You must be all of the following EXCEPT
A legal resident of the State and County in which you are voting
19 years of age
A legal citizen of the United States

General Elections are held in _______________________ of every even numbered year.
October b. November c. December

Explain the role of political parties in government

Which of the following is NOT a major political party today?
Democratic b. Republican c. Independent

The purpose of different political parties is to
Cause confusion at election times so people will not have a clear idea of what is happening
Back certain candidate for office so the candidate can change everything the other side did while in office
Offer counterpoints and ideas of how to spend money, raise money, and care for the people of the State.

S8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state government.
Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the General Assembly

The legislative branch of the STATE government of Ga is known as the
General Assembly b. Congress c. House of Representatives

The legislative branch of the STATE government of Ga is made up of
State assembly and executive officers
Senate and Chamber of Assembly
Senate and House of Representatives

The term limit for a member of the legislative branch of the STATE government of GA is
2 years b. 4 years c. unlimited

The only difference in qualifications between the two branches of the legislative branch of the STATE government is
District qualifications b. age c. There is no difference

Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership and the committee system

The Lt. Governor presides over the
General Assembly b. House of Representatives c. Senate

The Speaker presides over
General Assembly b. House of Representatives c. Senate

One of the jobs of the Speaker and the Lt. Governor is to assign bills to
Committee b. Congress c. Veto legislation

Trace the steps in the legislative process for a bill to become a law in Georgia

Before a bill becomes a law it must
Be vetoed by the Senate
Pass the Senate
Pass both the Senate and the House of Representatives

The Governor has the right to ______________any bill from the General Assembly BUT may be overridden by a _____________ vote.
Pass, Veto b. Veto, Majority c. Veto, 2/3

SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.
Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor

The highest ranking official of Ga Executive branch of State Government is the
Governor b. Lt Governor c. Speaker of the House

The Lt. Governor of Ga may be elected
For only 2 terms of office before “sitting out” a term and then running again
For only 3 terms of office
For unlimited terms of office

The Governor of Ga may be elected
For only 2 terms of office before “sitting out” a term and then running again
For only 3 terms of office
For unlimited terms of office

One of the duties of the Governor is to appoint
Sheriffs b. Judges c. School Superintendents

SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government.
Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia and how judges are selected.

The __________________ is the highest court of Ga and usually hears cases involving constitutional issues
Supreme Court b. Magistrate Court c. Probate

The __________________ is the court that hears mainly civil cases involving less than $15,000.
Supreme Court b. Magistrate Court c. Probate

The __________________ is the court that deals with wills and estates.
Supreme Court b. Magistrate Court c. Probate

Explain the difference between criminal law and civil law

________________ law refers to cases where there are disputes between two or more parties usually involving money.
Criminal b. Civil c. Probate

________________ law refers to case in which an actual law is broken and prosecution is needed.
Criminal b. Civil c. Probate

Describe the history of the juvenile court.

In 1911, the first juvenile court in GA was established in
Terrell County b. Fulton County c. Dougherty County

Before 1906, Juveniles were
Given special treatment by the court system.
Treated the same as adults
Treated the same as adults but were not locked up in jail with them.

Which of the following is NOT a stated goal of the Juvenile court system?
Fair treatment and prosecution of juveniles
Help protect the well being of children
Provide care for children removed from their home

A _____________________ is an offense that would be considered a crime if committed by an adult.
Statutory b. Delinquent c. Mandatory

One of the big differences in rights a juvenile is that you do not have a ___________ present to hear your case.
Judge b. Lawyer c. Jury

Juveniles have _________________________.
Rights only limited to juveniles and do not have the rights provide by the “Bill of Rights”
the same rights as all citizens of the U.S
No rights since they are not an adult

A _________________________ is where the judge hears the case and decides to have a “formal” slap on the wrist where the juvenile admits guilt and the judge usually releases the juvenile on probation.
Formal Hearing b. Trial c. Formal Adjustment

A _________________________is where the judge hears the case and hands out a sentence after hearing testimonies and witnesses. Formal Hearing b. Trial c. Formal Adjustment


SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
a. Explain the origins, functions, purposes, and differences of county and city governments in Georgia.
County Government
• Counties are subdivisions of the state set up to carry out certain governmental functions
• The State Constitution mandates that Counties are to be uniform in organization and have specific powers.
• Most counties are run by a board of commissioners.
• A County administrator is chosen by the Board to carry out day to day functions.
• The County government oversees the running and upkeep of the county but may work in conjunction with the city government in certain areas.
• Based of the population of the county, there are different #s of County officials but most have clerks, attorneys, fire chiefs, inspectors, etc.
• County governments usually establish county policies, county tax rate, set the budget, adopt laws , and provide services to the county.
City Government
• A City with its own government is called a municipality.
• A city exists as a political unit by receiving a charter from the state legislature.To get a charter, it must meet 3 requirements
– Have at least 200 residents
– Be located at least 3 miles from another town
– Have 60% of its land divided into tracts being used for business purposes
• It can only do what the charter authorizes
• Examples of services: Police Dept., Maintain streets, license businesses, provide water and sewage
• Some cities have their own school system
b. Compare and contrast the weak mayor-council, the strong mayor-council, and the council-manager forms of city government.
2 Forms of City Gov’t
• Mayor Council Form – an elected city council made up of a mayor and other members run the affairs of the city.
• Weak Mayor Council – In this type, the mayor is a figurehead which is there to preside over the meetings but most of the power to pass legislation in the hands of the council members
• Strong Mayor Council – In this type, the mayor is a major figure with power to promote legislation, prepares budgets and control the council
• Council Manager Form – an elected body HIRES a person to MANAGE the laws passed by the city council and run day to day affairs. There may or may not be a mayor in this system.
• In the Mayor council system you have to go through a political process to get rid of them if you do not like the job being done but in the Council manager system the person can be fired as well hired. This can be both a pro and a con depending on the situation.
c. Describe the function of special purpose governments
Special Purpose Districts
• Created for certain or specific reasons or to accomplish certain tasks
• Most govern themselves.
• A School system is a good example. State Law requires children to attend school but most of the day to day organization and administering of policy is done by the local school board and its leaders.
• MARTA transportation is another example of a special district.


SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia and how judges are selected.
Court Structure and Judges
• Ga Supreme Court is the highest court in Ga. It only hears cases appealed from lower courts decisions, reviews all cases in which the death penalty is given, and investigates the Constitutionality of law according to the state Constitution
• Court of Appeals is the 2nd highest court and it hears the appellate cases before they go to the Supreme Court.
• Trial courts are next and hear original criminal and civil cases with the Superior Court being the highest trial Court and all remaining being of equal importance but dealing with different areas of the law such State Court, Juvenile court ( deals with people under 17), Probate Court (deals with wills and estates), and Magistrate Court (hears civil cases under $15,000).
• Most judges are elected to office but in special cases the Governor may appoint a judge
b. Explain the difference between criminal law and civil law.
• Criminal Law – Cases that deal with violations of the Law
• Civil Law – Deals with disputes between two or more parties
• In other words, Criminal law has to do with criminals who break the law like theft, murder etc. while civil law has to with a disagreement between people like lawsuits usually involving money
c. Describe the history of the juvenile court.
Juvenile Justice History
• Before 1906 young people who broke the law were treated the same as adults and could be imprisoned with adults.
• In 1906, a new court was set up for people under the age of 18 thus establishing the Juvenile Justice System
• In 1911, Fulton County set up the 1st Juvenile Court and today every county in Ga has a Juvenile Court in place
• These courts have 3 main purposes
– Help protect the well being of children
– Ensure any child coming under the care of the court receives care, guidance, and control needed
– Provide care for children removed from their homes
• Delinquent Act is an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult
• Status Offense is an act that would not be considered a crime
• Juveniles are taken into custody not arrested
d. Compare the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and steps in the criminal justice process
Steps in Juvenile Justice
• 1 – Intake – officer turns juvenile over to court official
• 2 – Investigation – is there enough evidence to prosecute
• 3 – If no evidence then juvenile is released but if there is enough the juvenile may be handed to parents or detained and parents are notified
• 4 – Detained juveniles are detained in RYDC’s
• 5 – Detained Juveniles must have a probable cause hearing within 72 hours and the judge may
– Dismiss case
– Have an informal adjustment
– Have a Formal Hearing
Formal Adjustment
• A Formal Adjustment is a meeting required by the judge in which
• Usually involves 1st time offenders
• Agreed to by parents
• Young person admits wrongdoing
• Stays under the supervision of the court for approximately 90 days
• Juvenile promises to do certain things which may include repayment of damages, regular school attendance, or other things as set by the judge.
Formal Hearing
• A Formal hearing involves an actual court hearing
• Complaining witness files complaint and a summons is issued
• The first step is the Ad judicatory Hearing which is much like a court hearing without a jury. If the judge declares innocence, the juvenile is released but if he is found guilty then a 2nd court appearance is set.
• The 2nd step is the Dispositional Hearing in which the judge hands out the sentence. Both sides may call witnesses to try and influence the judges sentence
• The last step is the sentencing by the judge.
• A Juvenile does have the right to appeal just like an adult but overall the steps in the Juvenile Justice system are more closely monitored (with parental assistance if possible) than in adult cases.
e. Describe the rights of juveniles when taken into custody.
Juvenile Rights
• Juveniles have the Same Basic Rights as ALL citizens of the U.S
• They have the right to a speedy trial but unlike adults, their case is decided by a Judge NOT a Jury
• They have all the rights to a fair trial such as the right to
– Be notified of charges
– Be protected from self incrimination
– An attorney
– Confront and ask questions of witnesses
– Present a defense
– Introduce evidence
– Testify
– Have a parent present during all hearings

Juvenile Rights
f. Describe ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully.
Student Responsibilities
• While students rights are protected within the school system there are also student responsibilities
• Students should obey reasonable rules, regulations and guidelines as established by the school.
• Students should allow teachers or school officials to handle disputes
• Students should try to work with others to maintain a learning environment and focus on education
• Should should allow legal authorities to settle problems when it becomes necessary rather then try to “handle it themselves”


SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor
Governor and Lt. Governor
• Both are elected by popular vote every four years
• Qualification for both offices are the Same
– Minimum age of 30
– Resident of the U.S. for at least 15 years
– Resident of the State for at least 6 years
• Term Limits
– Both elected to four terms
– Gov can only serve 2 terms consecutively before sitting out for 4 years, then he may be re-elected
– The Lt Gov may be elected to office as many times as he runs with no break in term
• The Lt. Gov takes over the office of Gov in case the Gov cannot perform his duty
Governor and Lt. Governor Duties
• The Governor is the highest ranking official in the Executive Branch. His Duties include:
– Appointment of people to state positions and ensure civil and criminal laws are enforced
– Sign or veto bills
– Call special sessions of the legislature
– Pardon people for crimes
– Appoint judges
• Lt Governor
– Preside over the Senate
– Assign Bills to Committee
– Rule in place of Gov if something happens
Executive Branch Organization
• The Executive branch is presided over by the Governor with the Lt Gov 2nd in command
• Other offices such as the State Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Labor, Commissioner of Insurance, Public Service Commissioner, Secretary of State, and State School Superintendent also make up the Executive BranchThese offices all have specific duties involving areas of policy within the State. Each comes directly under the supervision and authority of the Governors office but works independently. The Governor needs key people he can trust in place to handle the day to day running of these individual offices so he can concentrate on other duties