Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Standard 8H9

SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development economically, socially, and politically

a. Describe the impact of events leading up to American involvement in WorldWar II; include Lend-Lease and the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

• In the rebuilding of Germany in the 1930s, a man named Adolph Hitler rose to power promising to lead Germany out of Depression. He began to invade neighboring countries which led to World War II

• The United States again declared its neutrality and wanted to trade with both sides that were fighting but really began to help the British and her allies more than Germany and her partners.

• While remaining neutral, The U.S. struck up a LEND-Lease agreement with Great Britain. It was illegal to SELL war supplies but we could LEND or LEASE them to whomever we wanted.

• This made Germany mad. Germany had partnered up with Japan who disliked Russia and Japan wanted control of all Pacific Islands.

• Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec7, 1941. FDR went to Congress and declared it “a day which would live in infamy” and the U.S. entered into WWII by declaring War on Japan.

b. Evaluate the importance of Bell Aircraft, military bases, the Savannah and Brunswick shipyards, Richard Russell, and Carl Vinson.

Georgia Industry during WWII
• As the U.S. entered WWII, the economy began to get better. Industries began to supply war material and people became employed.

• In Ga., as elsewhere, Men went war and for the first time in history women entered the workforce in huge numbers. They had to replace men in factories, shops, and on farms.

• Bell Aircraft Plant in Marietta built B29 bombers and employed 30000 people.

• Military bases employed large numbers of civilians and trained thousands of soldiers for war. The soldiers and bases spent $$ in the area and boosted the economy of Ga.

• The shipyards of Savannah and Brunswick employed workers to build “Liberty”ships to fight in the war. Together they produced 187 ships.

• These industries and war time efforts pulled our nation out of the Great Depression.

Georgia People during WWII

Richard Russell
– Was Governor of Ga in 1931
– Established the Board of Regents to oversee colleges
– Served 38 years as a Senator from Ga.
– Believed in States Rights and Military preparedness

Carl Vinson
– Served 25 consecutive terms in house of Representatives for Ga
– Responsible for many of Ga military bases
– Believed in a Strong National Defense
– Strengthened the Navy and Air Force
– Known as the the “Father of the Two Ocean Navy”

c. Explain the impact of the Holocaust on Georgians.

• One of Hitler's goals was to establish a “pure” race which meant that everyone was supposed to be fair skinned with blond hair and blue eyes
• He particularly disliked the Jews and began rounding them up and putting them in Work prisons called concentration camps.
• He treated them horribly starving many to death and mistreating many others. Families were torn apart.
• At one point in WWII he began the extermination of all Jews. He put them in gas chambers, incinerators, or lined them up and shot them in mass numbers.
• It is estimated that 6 million Jews were killed. That is like killing everyone in Atlanta and the 28 counties around it.
• When soldiers began liberating these camps, the world was shocked.
• The killing is called the “Holocaust”

d. Discuss the ties to Georgia that President Roosevelt had and his impact on the state.

FDR and GA
• Ga was the 2nd home to FDR.
• He built a place nicknamed the “Little Whitehouse” in Warm Springs Ga where he spent a lot of time
• FDR suffered from polio which left him on crutches and in a wheelchair.
• He invested time and money into the community turning the warm underground springs found in that location into swimming pools and treatment facilities for polio victims.
• He often toured Ga and met with the people.He was close friends with Carl Vinson, a fact that helped to establish military bases in Ga and not elsewhere.